Anchoring Light Painting Immersive – Online Classes
Izzy has been touring her ever popular Anchoring Light Creative journey around the globe for some years now, after many many requests for her to take it on-line so it can reach an even wider audience she felt the internal call to create a variation of this class. It comprises of all the elements she normally teaches in person but shifted in to 5 classes for the span of just over two weeks.
Workshop start times >> Dates to be confirmed ( around four of these per year)
California time: PDT
Sat 4pm (*1hr) + 2 hr practical
Sun 4pm (*1hr)+ 3 hr practical
Sat 4pm (*1 hr) + 3 hr practical
Sat 4pm (*1 hr) + 4hr practical
Mon 5th 6pm (*1 hr) + 40 min meditation
Extra videos :
40 min (sent two weeks before to watch in your own time before getting materials).
*=There is only one hour at the beginning of the session where we will all be online together, then the demonstrations, meditations and guidance will be in recorded segments for you to do in the time that most suits you, ideally directly after our group zoom but can also be the next day if its a Saturday or during the week if its a Sunday.
The group zooms are at the start of each session will also enable us to share what has been created in terms of the paintings that are being created and also the personal processes, this is done as a group (max 12), and builds the group connection creating the container and anchoring light across the light web we are weaving across the globe together.
Please add your email address here if you would like to know when the next classes are happening
Have you ever wanted to learn to paint light and magic ? Harness your channel abilities with this two day intentional painting journey …
More about the workshop HERE