Stretched Canvas Prints

All the Prints available in the “A3 signed prints” section are now available as high quality, ready to hang stretched canvas prints in a variety of sizes – Pictures/shopping cart coming soon, for now you can contact me with your chosen artwork name and canvas size.

Prices: Includes free postage worldwide, these can also be sent directly as gifts.

Square (3cm depth)

20cmx20cm $59
30cmx30cm $69
40cmx40cm $99
50cmx50cm $149
60cmx60cm $179
75cmx75cm $229
100cmx100cm $329

Rectangle (3cm depth)

20cmx30cm $59.00
30cmx45cm $89.00
40cmx50cm $129.00
50cmx75cm $199.00
60cmx80cm $229.00
60cmx90cm $239.00
75cmx100cm $289.00

“New Paradigm” is available as a custom sized print 90 x 135 for $490

Wholesale available.