It has been wonderful to be sharing  an online incarnation of ‘Anchoring Light Art’ a unique painting class that I’ve been touring around the planet.

It’s called Global Anchoring Light because no matter where you are in the world you can be a part of the magic and learn all my skills and tips on light and capturing energies and codes.

It’s spread over 2.5 weekends allowing for integration and practice to unfurl to its greatest capacity, still in a group container but allowing best flow with your personal schedule.


Check out this link to find the next ‘Global Anchoring Light’ online class

I share around 3 online classes per year* so if you are keen, feel free to be added to the waiting list or sign up when you see spaces, limited spots as its nice to keep the classes more intimate.

Different classes align with Europe, USA, Australia and Asian time zones


Have you ever wanted to learn to paint light and magic ? Harness your channel abilities with this intentional painting journey . . .

In this class, we’ll be fusing ancient/traditional art techniques with magic, while weaving together this reality with the higher realms.
I will be sharing the secrets and revelations of my own creative (and spiritual) discoveries with tips and tricks that are easily accessible for all ability levels.
Through deep guided journeys, we’ll discover the unique power symbols we each hold within, and unlock more of who we are as artists and healers.
We’ll anchor this process as we traverse these inner realms on canvas. Seeding an empowered new chapter of your creative journey, with an array of new technical skills. This journey will be a coalescence of painting technique, reiki, guided journeying and ancient symbol magic, Honoring life-force energy, light and shadow work with its roots in ceremony. …’The easel is your Altar.’
Lots of techniques, secrets and tips for painting light emanation, transparency, shine and iridescence. Intentions to creative limiting blocks, magic and mastery for strengthening our channels as a healer through our art. We create a full painting in the duration of the workshop.

No prior painting experience necessary but also caters for the established artist.

More about the workshop HERE


Investment :
5 sessions of tuition, set up over 2.5 weekends plus an extra week to finish if needed.
Including mediations to get your mind out the way and magical tools to empower your creative practice.
A large array of information on techniques. plus detailed information on materials.
You would create a completed magical painting whist taking the the theme of healing-art to the next level.
US$258 / AUD $389  / 238 Euro / £202
Please note there would be a list of materials to acquire for the workshop. Email will be provided with what you would need.


The classes are globally available for wherever you are in the world, however there are two time zone options that I share classes in:

(In Australia, NZ and Bali the time zone equates to it being the next day, Sun and Mon  instead of Sat and Sun).

Set over 2.5 weekends :

Sat   (**1 hr zoom) + 2 hr practical

Sun  (**1 hr zoom)+ 3 hr practical

Sat  (**1 hr zoom) + 3 hr practical

Sun  (**1 hr zoom) + 4hr practical

Sat   (**1 hr zoom) + 40 min meditation

Extra videos :

40 min (sent two weeks before to watch in your own time before getting materials).

**=There is only one hour at the beginning of the session where we will all be online on a Zoom together, then the demonstrations, meditations and guidance will be in recorded segments for you to do in the time that most suits you, ideally directly after our group zoom but can also be the next day if its a Saturday or during the week if its a Sunday.

The group zooms are at the start of each session will also enable us to share what has been created in terms of the paintings that are being created and also the personal processes, this is done as a group (max 12), and builds the group connection creating the container and anchoring light across the light web we are weaving across the globe together.

Thank you so much for this shared journey!  I finished my painting today and I just finished the integration meditation. I am completely blown away by the whole process. I feel so connected to the earth and the cosmos, and words cannot express my gratitude and appreciation for the way you all inspired me.
Thank you thank you thank you!
Kim (USA)


Firstly Thank you so much for all you brought through the Anchoring Light Course, I could feel the significance of the course during the experience but it wasnt until this weekend when i did the final meditation that I fully understood the whole process on another level.

On a practical level I would like to revisit the course content to take notes on the more technical elements of the painting as it was very hard to do this first time round as I could barely write, but now my wrist has healed sufficiently to enable me to do that)

Unsurprisingly my fall was a wake up call for me to stop and review my life’s journey and purpose…. it also enabled me to stop and then to allow new things to enter.

I am keen to go through the painting process once more but with more of an awakened consciousness to see where it will lead.

I hope that my going through the course again and working with your paintings and method will help me to further activate and recognise what it is that I am meant to be bringing into the world.

The work you are doing and what you are bringing into the world and sharing at this time is so important and inspiring.

In deep gratitude  i thank you

with love and light

Carolyn (Australia)

* = Why do I run these  global online gatherings in a group with us meeting in present rather than just having recordings that are always accessible?
Because it is so much more than showing you techniques, there is a journey we go on together, set inside a heart-felt caring container from the souls  that have felt the call to align together on this creative adventure. Past  students often share how it is ‘so much more than a painting class’! I also love to be there with you for each step, enhancing accountability for level ups both inner and on the canvas. Doing it in this three-week time frame also allows for the full healing download be anchored. Our 5 weekly windows of sacred creation time are  carved ensuring minimal dilution of distraction of the codes that are most present, minimizing procrastination and ensuring blocks are busted through as soon as they come up.
 It is so special to coalesce these momentary global communities, woven with the threads of anchoring our unique, coherent, healing  light in to deeper levels of our  artistry.
(If a class needs to be missed, zooms are recorded and there is lots of flexibility with your schedule during the three week process).