Headers for the meanings of the card Illustrations
EARTH – Nature Wisdom and Embodiment
- Body-Earth Contact: Physically connect with nature, feet on the earth.
- Rhythmic Cycles: Tune in with your body, the earth, moon and sun.
- Move Your Body: Get your blood moving – dance, run, shake!
- Body Temple: Consider the foods you nourish your body with.
- Nature’s Allies: Nourish with flower, herb and mineral helpers.
- Occupy Your Being: Reside fully in your skin. Merge soul with every cell.
- Nurturing Touch: Allow yourself to be held in a caring hug.
- 10. Connect with Kin: Deepen support networks with friends and family.
- Your Body Knows: Listen to your body. Learn how it speaks.
- Animal Wisdom: Be soothed and inspired by creature companions.
- Crystalline Abundance: Align with knowing all your needs are met.
- Change of Scenery: See the world with fresh, new eyes.
AIR – Expression and Moving Emotion
- Calm Communication: Are you articulating as you intend to be heard?
- Expand Your Bubble: Observe others’ realities. Extend compassion.
- Freely Journal: Move through restrictions via written expression.
- Creative Expression: Let yourself be danced by the Divine.
- Belly Breathing: Take some grounding breaths from your belly.
- Be Moved: Immerse yourself in music that moves you. Levity:
- Go to a high-up place. Get a shift in perspective.
- Breath of Life: Allow airflow in your lungs and in your life.
- Spaciousness: Take space to recalibrate your energy
- In-Breath, Out-Breath: Move with the breath. Balance the flux of life.
- Smoke Blessings: Smudge with incense, woods, resins or herbs.
- Wind Beneath Your Wings: Do more of what you love and feel inspired by.
- Feel Your Feelings: Are you aware of your emotional body?
- Can You Own It?: Return energy through accountability and responsibility.
- Healthy Boundaries: Activate your ‘no’. Embrace clarity and consent.
- Recognise Triggers: Loosen the grip through awareness.
- Shift Sabotage: Enhance awareness of subconscious patterns.
- Time to Go There: What you are avoiding may be what is ready to move.
- Remove the Splinter: Locate the core of the issue. Help is available to you.
- Sovereignty: You have power over your mind, body and spirit.
- The Magic Zone: Get out of your comfort zone. Magic is waiting for you.
- Mental Mirage: Projections, reflections. What is real, and what is assumed?
- Pause the Mind Loops: Notice repetitive thoughts. Have protocols to shift focus.
- Beyond Limitation: Be a tall poppy. Set new bars for what is possible.
WATER – Cleanings and Clearings
- Cultivate Resilience: Strengthen the container by healing the cracks.
- Discernment: Recognise clarity so you know when you are oft.
- Declutter: Objects hold energies. Let go of ‘no-longer aligneds’.
- Detox the Body: Gut flora affects mood. Consider the role of a ‘gut feeling’.
- A Clear and Open Mind: Expansion beyond the limited mind.
- Onwards and Upwards: Let go of outgrown situations. The new will be unveiled.
44 Ancestral Clearing: Clear what you may be carrying from those before.
- Salt Water: Salt baths or ocean time.
- Wash Away Inhibiting Identities: Is who you present to the world aligned with your depths?
- … Gone: Remove energy hooks and unhealthy attachers.
- The Unwelcome: Clear energies. Helpers of your highest good only.
- A Helping Hand: Kickstart energy improvement with a healing session.
AETHER – Connection with Divine Life Force Energy
- Coherence: Find harmony over dissonance.
- Duality Merge: Surrender dark into light.
- Central Sunlight: Be activated by loving light from the portal within.
- Rainbow Spectrum: Increase colour in your life. Add vibrancy to your chakras.
- Toroidal Tree: Explore pathways of light – branches to roots. Ideas made manifest.
- Intention As Prayer: Create your reality with awareness in each moment.
- Soul Whispers: Listen to your guiding soul to activate more messages.
- Protective Bubble: A sphere of rose light that only love can penetrate.
- Guidance of the Highest: Cultivate integrity with yourself, others and your guides.
- Return to Source Reality: Embrace the gift of physical incarnation.
- Optimum Qi : Move blocked lifeforce. Increase energy flow.
- Meditate: Return to the tranquil ‘home’ within yourself.
You can see the completed oracle deck here in it’s magical published incarnation.