Time Zone Conversions for Australia, NZ and Asia
For Australia, NZ and Asia there are two options for classes. You can choose either the ‘Americas’ or the ‘Europe’ Class. Please convert your country’s time zone conversion accordingly. Australia QLD has been set as the default. Please note this is for the one hour group zoom call, the rest of the class is pre-recorded and can be done the next day or caught upon during the week at your convenience. (Zoom calls can occasionally be missed if needed as these are recorded).
Sun 4th May Australia QLD 10am / Bali 8am
Mon 5th May Australia QLD 10am / Bali 8am
Sun 11th Australia QLD 10am / Bali 8am
Mon 12th May Australia QLD 10am / Bali 8am
Mon 19th May Australia QLD 10am / Bali 8am
– Day Converts to the SAME for Australia/NZ/Asia:
Sat 3rd May UK / QLD 7pm (Bali 5pm)
Sun 4th May UK / QLD 7pm (Bali 5pm)
Sat 10th May uk/ QLD 7pm (Bali 5pm)
Sun 11th May UK / QLD 7pm (Bali 5pm)
Sat 18th May UK/ QLD 7pm (Bali 5pm)